
Just another human being navigating the plot twists of life

Bridging the Divide: Finding Connection in a World of Differences

Lately, I’ve been feeling stuck—caught between wanting to connect with others and struggling to bridge the gaps that divide us, all while trying to stay true to myself and not compromise my values. My word of the year is supposed to be uplift, but I’m realizing how hard it is to uplift people I don’t…
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Four Powerful Mindset Shifts to Elevate Your Life

Sometimes, the biggest life changes start with the smallest adjustments. How we think shapes how we experience the world, and even subtle shifts in mindset can lead to profound improvements in our happiness, relationships, and overall success. Challenging old thought patterns and embracing new perspectives opens the door to opportunities we would have overlooked. These…
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2025: A Guide to Your Word of the Year

I am back! It has been quite some time since I posted. I want to make sure that when you read the Strong Stumbler it is meaningful. Quality over quantity. What better way to restart than with the word for 2025? If you recall, I do not make New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I pick a…
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Ringing in the New Year and Bringing Back a Word: GRATITUDE

Each year, I pick a word for the year to represent what I am challenging myself to focus on. Usually, I spend lots of time contemplating it. It’s got to be good if it’s going to be part of my life for a year! This year, however, it was a “no brainer” when I chose…
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Seeing is Deceiving

“What Story Are You Telling Yourself?“ Perception is a funny thing. Our brain has lots of data coming in so it uses “shortcuts” that tell us the alleged truth of a situation. It’s how our primordial brain worked to keep us alive. We had to be able to quickly assess a situation to determine if…
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Be A Good Ancestor

I love this phrase. When we say “I want to be a good ancestor” we are saying we want to leave the world a better place than how we came into it. We want to be remembered as someone who “Did Good” for the world and our community. How do we determine how to contribute…
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The Most Important Year

The year is 2020. This is the year that started off with horrific bushfires in Australia that burned over 25 million acres of land, killed 33 people and one billion animals The world was then stunned by the sudden and tragic death of a sports icon and his daughter in a helicopter crash. These events…
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Look for the Helpers

In times of crisis and stress, I like to harken back to what Fred (Mr.)Rogers’ mom told him during difficult times. As a child, when he would see something that scared him on the news, she would say, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Throughout his life, especially in…
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Interrupt Anxiety with Gratitude

Over the past few weeks, the world has experienced a health crisis the size of which we have not seen in over 100 years. The entire world is experiencing shared anxiety. We have realized how vulnerable we are as we are being forced to face our own mortality. Our current situation, as well as our…
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What Is Your Word for 2020?

It’s time for the annual “pick your word” for the year post. The idea behind this being if you pick a word, and focus on it for the year, it will elicit positive change. Last year, my word was “gratitude.” I did pretty darned good. Each day, I wrote down what I was grateful for,…
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