If You’re Not Proud of Your Life, Start Over

Just another human being navigating the plot twists of life

If You’re Not Proud of Your Life, Start Over

Part 3 of my story

And my story continues….I found myself in a place that was not working, so I got on a plane and went home. Just like that. It’s so much easier to stay in a situation that is not healthy because we are getting something out of it-whether it be financial gain, emotionally fulfilling (or emotionally unfulfilling and we enjoy feeling sorry for ourselves), or it’s comfortable and what we know. There may be a myriad of reasons that we stay in an unhealthy place. They key is to be self-aware enough to identify when something is truly not working for us and then strong enough to get out. The sadness over the change can be overwhelming. On the plane ride home, I felt shell-shocked. I really loved where I was for reasons that were both healthy and unhealthy; however, I knew it had to be done and I did it. I felt that I was at rock bottom but, in fact, I was just beginning something new. I had started myself on a path of self-awareness that would lead me to wonderful and amazing things…and it all started with kindness.

Thank you for continuing to follow my story.


2 Responses

  1. Margie Hickey says:

    I love the Strong Sumbler’s wise blog!

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