Kindness Solves All

Just another human being navigating the plot twists of life

Kindness Solves All

Part 1 of my story

“Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he’s made of.”-Josh Billings

This blog is for anyone who has failed at something. It is for anyone who has experienced their life crashing down around them and, somehow, made it through. It’s for us “survivors.”  Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself….

In 2017, on the surface, my life was perfect.  I had 2 wonderful kids, I had been married to a kind and caring man for 20 years and we had a beautiful home. I had a job that paid well, but it had its challenges so, when offered a position as a Director for a company that was growing, I looked at the pros and cons and went for it! That was June.  By January, I will have quit that job with no other prospect in sight (after building a career that took 25 years of blood, sweat and tears to achieve), my home was being sold, my marriage was in tatters and my father-in-law (who I loved dearly) died.  My heart and soul were completely broken. Nothing was right. I had no control over anything.  The only way out is through and, somehow, I made it out wiser and so much stronger.  I have learned so much over these past 12 months.  Perhaps the most important thing I have learned, and what will be the focus of my blog, is that kindness is the key to making it through these times that we will all, inevitably, experience.  It’s through the kindness of others, as well as our own acts, that we will not just “make it though”, but we can thrive as a result of our perceived failings.

Kindness solves all.  I look forward to sharing how kindness has saved me.

-The Strong Stumbler



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